Looking forward to seeing the "extra" edition!

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excited for some extra shuffle!

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Happy Birthday SS! Very much looking forward to see more Shuffling in my inbox (and I'm feeling awe and admiration to you Leo for dedicating 2 issues per week!)

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Congrats Leo 🎉

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Ooh - congrats, Leo! I'm so excited to hear about these changes. I've long admired your consistency and dedication to this work, and I am thrilled that you'll be doing even more. Lucky us!

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It's not easy running such an enterprise for 2 whole years! Congrats, Leo and keep up the great work.

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aeeee!! ansioso pras news de volta e agora com mais conteúdo! sua newsletter sempre me salva pra escolher o que ouvir e agora vai dar outras dicas tbm hehe. além de eu exercitar a leitura em inglês. 🥳

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